During my 7 day painting retreat with my teacher in California this year creativity had me exploring familial relationships both with those living and those on the other side. This is me, my grandmother, mother and you can't see them but also my grandfather and biological father (whom I've never met) are all in this painting. Since I was able to move from something bigger than my small mind's preferences through this process I was able to be with what was very uncomfortable, eventually drop story and access the love that is eternal and underneath all of our human personalities and defense mechanisms. Painting from something bigger opens so much room to explore. Without this process I would have never wanted to paint certain family members. There were very uncomfortable moments in this painting but I felt them and kept going. Creativity is a roter rooter taking us to the places that are shut down inside of us and if we just keep painting we get cleansed out and opened. It is like just saying yes to what it is. The uncomfortable bits are always temporary and after every contraction in life is an equal expansion. It is only avoidance of what is uncomfortable that we create suffering. When we can bring it close and be intimate with it we are free.
February 2018
"Painting must continue until the disappearance of the painter." Michele Cassou |